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Below is a list of questions you might like to use for your conversation.
1. Who benefits best from your education or training programs?
2. Talk about how your training methods have changed over time.
3. Talk about individuals who are instrumental in innovating training.
4. Describe your involvement with training and instruction.
5. What types of training are available at your organization?
6. How have training and education impacted you or your organization?
7. What events facilitated the start of your organization?
8. Talk about the people who contributed to starting your organization.
9. What education or training do people in your organization receive?
10. What employment did you have prior to your present position?
11. Talk about how traveling to other places has influenced your education and training development.
12. Talk about your challenges or successes with training and education over time.
13. What motivates you to be involved in training and education of others?
14. What personal contributions have you made to your organization's training and education?
15. What changes were the most difficult to implement in your organization's training processes ?
16. What improvements would you like to see in your organization's training and education?
17. Talk about your responsibilities and duties concerning training and instruction.
18. Talk about the benefits of investing in the training and education of others.
19. Talk about how you collaborated with others to achieve education and training goals.
20. What are the funniest things that happened to you or others in an educational or training setting?
21. How did you start your professional life?
22. Discuss the services you can provide.
23. Describe people who are aware of your professional abilities.
24. Describe people with whom you have worked.
25. Describe people who have benefited from your services.
26. Describe past interactions with community and/or governmental organizations.
27. Describe your educational experiences.
28. Describe your childhood and/or present family.
29. Discuss what you would like to know more about.
30. What would you like to say about yourself and/or your organization?
31. Do you have hidden talents, and how have you used them?
32. What are the worst jobs you have ever had?
33. What qualities do you appreciate in a boss or supervisor?
34. What is the best career decision that you ever made?
35. Is there types of jobs that you never want to do?
36. How has your perspective on the world changed over time?
37. What would you like to accomplish over the next few years?
38. What do you think is my best quality, and how did I achieve it?
39. What do you think is my worst quality, and why did I achieve it?
40. All things considered, what would you say today about EDUCATION AND TRAINING?
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