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Below is a list of topics you might like to use for your conversation.
1. Describe your interests or hobbies.
2. Growing up, what activates and interests did you pursue most?
3. What leisure activities are you most interested in now?
4. Did something shape your present interests?
5. Talk about those who share your interests.
6. Talk about how cost affects your interests or hobbies.
7. Did your relatives and friends have interests similar to yours?
8. Did a particular person introduce you to your hobbies or interests?
9. Do friends or family members share your interests or hobbies?
10. Have your interests or hobbies involved travel?
11. How have your interests or hobbies improved your life?
12. What was the funniest or horrific event that occurred when were pursuing your interests or hobbies?
13. Have you helped others develop interests or hobbies like yours?
14. What factors have sometimes prevented you from pursuing your interests or hobbies?
15. What are some other interests or hobbies that you might like to pursue?
16. Talk about people who respect or dislike your interests or hobbies.
17. What unanticipated things did you encounter when pursuing your interests or hobbies?
18. Which of your interests or hobbies do you enjoy most?
19. Overall, what have you gained from your interests or hobbies?
20. What hobbies or interests do you engage in now?
21. Describe one or more of your favorite interests.
22. Describe one or more of your favorite hobbies.
23. Describe your favorite religious celebration and/or family holidays.
24. Would your family or friends consider your interests and/or hobbies dangerous?
25 What interests and/or hobbies did your parents have?
26. Describe your most satisfying interest.
27. Describe your most satisfying hobby.
28. Have any interests or hobbies turned out badly?
29. Were there times when you could not pursue your interests or hobbies?
30. What would you like to say about your hobbies and/or interests.
31. When did you last feel inspired to make or find some particular thing?
32. Describe the first time you got to experience a memorable place.
33. Describe the most recent time you got to experience a memorable place.
34. If it could happen, describe your dream home.
35. Describe your best "board game" (game rules, your success, etc.).
36. What are your favorite books, movies and other forms of entertainment?
37. Describe any food and/or beverage that I could enjoy every day.
38. Describe any favorite food and/or beverage of your parents and grandparents.
39. Describe your first few cars.
40. All things considered, what would you say today about INTERESTS ANDE HOBBIES?
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